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How to Format Flash Drive Via CMD (Command Prompt)

How to Format Flash Drive Via CMD (Command Prompt)

When you want to delete / format the entire contents of the flash, most people usually do it through Windows Explorer. This method is indeed the most recommended because it is easy and friendly for ordinary users. But there are other ways to format the flash, one of which is how to format the flash with CMD / Command Prompt.

Knowing how to format a flash drive via CMD can be very useful, especially for troubleshooting when a problem occurs on the flash drive. For example, in the case of a Write Protected Flash Disk, where the solution can be done using Diskpart which is executed through the Command Prompt.

How to format the flash via CMD which we will learn here will also use Diskpart. Diskpart is a useful tool on Windows systems, where you can manage various things about storage media such as partitions, attributes, and volumes.

Now for those of you who want to format the flash using CMD, here Agent Link provides the complete steps.

Format Flash Drive Via Command Prompt

  • First and of course, enter the flash that you want to format.
  • Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  • For the first command, type diskpart to enter into utility.
  • Then type list disk to display the active disk.
  • Important!, pay attention to the number of the disk you want to format. Easy, make sure the size listed is the same as the capacity of the Flash Disk. If you already know it, type the command select disk #, where # is the number of the Flash Disk.

  • Type the clean command to delete the contents of the data in the flash.
  • Then type list disk again, to display a list of active disks. If there is an * on the left, it means the disc is still selected. If not then you need to retype the command in step number 5.
  • Next, type create partition primary.
  • Then type the command and select partition 1.
  • Then type active to activate the partition.

  • The next step is to format it with NTFS format and give it a name. Type the command format FS=NTFS label=Mantan-drive quick. You can change the red writing to the name you want to give the Flash Disk.
  • Finally, type the command assign letter=N to give the driver a letter, you can change the red text to the letter you want.

  • If so, then you can type exit to exit the utility diskpart or immediately close the CMD window.

That way, you will find the Flashdisk in a fresh state after formatting!

That’s it!

That's how to format the flash via CMD (command prompt). If you have any questions, please just tell them in the comments column.


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